Wednesday, August 1, 2007


If you're wondering how to get in touch with me -- because face it, you miss me -- it's pretty easy. The usual methods still apply: I have AIM, my email address, and my cell phone. Yes, my cell phone actually works down here, but it only picks up AT&T;'s network in my apartment, so if I'm out, odds are that I don't have it on me.

Really, the easy way to get in touch with me is Skype. What's that, you ask? I'll spare you the computer engineer's explanation of how it works, and give you the simple version: it's a way to do free voice and video chatting over the Internet. You download the program, and make calls. Simple as that, really. You can optionally pay to use it to call landlines, but I don't bother with that -- the Internet calling works well enough for me.

If you want to give it a try, my username is dcipjr. You can also search for me by name or by email address. I've been using it these past few weeks, and it really is pretty cool. I do have a video camera, since it's built-in for MacBooks, but all you really need is a microphone (which many computers include or have built-in).

So, give it a shot and see what you think.

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