Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Montezuma's Revenge

OK, I've been really bad at keeping this updated, but I have an excuse. We've had groups here for the last 20 or so days, and I just haven't had a chance to do much writing. Amidst 9 days of concrete mixing.

Anyway, a few days ago, I started coming down with a nice case of Montezuma's Revenge. The first day got pretty crappy in the afternoon, the second day I just felt pretty lousy the entire day, and the third day I still kept getting these waves of nausea.

Today I'm feeling better, but I have the feeling it's not completely out of my system yet.
Before you ask me if I drank the water, I didn't drink the water. I know that you can't do that by now. No, the whole sickness thing comes from the different diet that you have when you're down here. When you eat stuff that's different than what your body is used to, eventually it catches up with you. Some people it takes a couple days, some weeks, some months. For me, I made it through six weeks without getting sick, and I think that's pretty damned good.

I'll spare you the details about the revenge itself. Just suffice it to say that although I haven't thrown up once, I've made many a trip to the bathroom, and my stomach has been giving me plenty of cramps and sweeping waves of nausea.

Hopefully, by the end of the day, I'll be feeling more or less back to normal

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