Tuesday, July 31, 2007

City of Car Alarms

If you like things quiet, you aren't going to last long in Tijuana, because this is a city of a lot of different noises.

Case in point: car alarms. Everyone's got 'em. And they're the kind that goes through all the different sounds. There are variations on a theme, too: some of the cars honk while going through the different sounds, some of the cars have the sounds at a higher or lower pitch, or do them in a different order. But they all essentially sound the same. How this helps stop car thieves, I don't know – it obviously didn't stop the guys who stole our truck a couple weeks ago (but that's subject matter for another post).

People are constantly setting these alarms off, too. An hour rarely goes by here where I don't hear at least one car alarm. But after almost four weeks of hearing them, I've pretty much been able to tune them out -- I guess it's like the train going by.

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