Friday, September 14, 2007

The Facebook Connection

I knew it was going to happen. I started this blog, and became bad about keeping it updated. But I'm going to give it another go. I even hooked it up to Facebook so you can read about it through the Notes section of my profile. Will it keep me motivated to write? Who knows – but I'll give it a shot anyway.

Speaking of Facebook, I've been constantly irritated by "Zombie Requests", "Vampire Requests", "Hot Potato Requests" (wtf?!), and "Pirate Requests". To quote Jerry Seinfeld, "I don't wanna be a pirate!"

Fortunately, I've figured out how to make it all go away. You have to click the "Privacy" link, then the "Applications" link, then the "Other Applications" link, then select the "Do not share any information about me through the Facebook API" button. That button is grayed-out until you remove all your authorized and third-party applications. So Facebook doesn't exactly make it easy, but after you jump through these hoops, third-party applications won't be able to access your information – or even see that you exist.

Not only does this make your privacy way more secure, it also means that your "friends" can't spam you with SuperWalls, Free Gifts, or other mindless crap. Welcome back to the good old days of Facebook.

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