Tuesday, July 31, 2007

The Bane of my Existence

Someone once told me that it wasn't buggy down here. This person was a liar.

The fact is, there are mosquitos down here, and there are lots of them. They also happen to like biting me. I'll be amazed if I don't contract West Nile by the end of the summer.

I've gotten good at keeping them at bay, but they usually get in when I'm doing the laundry, and it takes a couple days to get rid of them all. Usually, just when I think I've purged them my apartment, one will fly past my face. I can practically hear it laughing.

Just seeing one of these little bastards makes me itch. I've gotten better at killing them, but occasionally I'll find one that's more elusive. I bring my hands together to smite it, clap as hard as I can, open them up, and lo, and behold -- they're empty. How that damned thing escaped, I have no idea.

Right now, there's one in here, but I can't find it, and I'm getting tired. And if I don't find it, I know this thing is gonna eat me alive during the night.

A-ha! Got it. Now I can rest, if the dogs don't howl all night. More on that later.

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