Sunday, March 2, 2008


Originally uploaded by dcipjr
The border fence at Playas is always an interesting place to visit. I've talked to Americans on the American side through the fence, heard some pretty cool stories from Mexicans on the Mexico side, and even been buzzed by a border patrol helicopter.

I can now add seeing a movie get filmed to the list.

We go to Playas with every group as part of our border tour. When we were there with the awesome group from Johnson & Wales University in Rhode Island, we noticed these odd diagonal-runged ladders against the fence, and with all sorts of lights and cameras pointed at them.

Turns out it was a documentary being filmed, "La Historia de MigraciĆ³n". The film crew was rushing around and didn't have time to give us many details -- like, why exactly these guys were climbing ladders against the fence, while a guy played the bugle and another guy played a drum -- so I can't explain this picture much more.

But even though I don't understand this scene, and I doubt the film will ever be a box-office hit in the USA, watching it was still pretty cool.

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